hipsters: the world's most dangerous angsty game

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Trying to Commit Myself

To this particular endeavor. And endeavors in general I suppose. My life is, despite moments of tedious boredom, more than interesting enough to document in many cases, and writing is one of the few ways to get/keep my thoughts organized. So I'm going to try and keep this up. I'm coming up on some very big changes in my life soon, so hopefully I can give y'all a baseline before that starts. Y'all be fucked actually- I'm not writing this in the hopes of gathering an audience, nor do I care if I get one. You're welcome to stay and read if you want to, but I'm not overly concerned about your responses.

So yeah, go ahead, take a bite- they may be stringy, but there's almost no fat content: Eat the hipsters!

Sunday, June 17, 2007